Dating using Twitter – Best Twitter chat up lines

The dating game seem to be going through a lot of exciting times at the moment. The Internet has not only revolutionaries how people meet though online dating, application and platforms designed for other stuff such as social networking and the micro blogging site Twitter are contributing their share to the digital dating revolution.
Twitter in particular has been in the new lately for the way it has been helping facilitate communication such as how information including first hand account of information from areas closed to reporters are being disseminated with the help of Twitter.  Well, in the dating and mating game, Twitter seem to have made its mark as well with the recent announcement that couple who meet via Twitter are getting married including an announcement  that  The Guardian’s Soulmates dating service is about to celebrate its first Twitter marriage.

For those single Twitter users who do not know how to go about using Twitter to chat up a man or a woman, compilation of some of the best Twitter chat up like has been compiled for you bellow.

Top Twitter
1. Be my date and I’ll follow you to the end of the world.
2. I’m twitterpated with you.
3. I need a life time, not 140 characters to tell you how much I love you.
4. If Twitter is a meat market, you must be the prime rib.
5. Oh can’t you see, how your tweets please me? every tweet you make, every direct message you sent I’ll be following you.
6. Your twitters make my heart flitter.
7. Roses are red, violets are blue. If you’re seeing this tweet, I <3 you.
8. Tweet your mother ‘thank you’ for giving birth to something as gorgeous as you.
9. Do you believe in love at first tweet? Or should I tweet you again?
10. Fancy tweeting someone like you in a place like this.
11. Let’s direct message_all_night_long_ #kiss #sex
12. Do you Tweet here often?
13. Was that an earthquake or did u just tweet my world?
14. I may not be a genie but I can make your tweets come true.
15. Who cares about celebrities? You’re the only star in my twitterverse.
16. I usually don’t follow the first night but for you I’ll make an exception.
17. Do you know why the Twitter bird is blue? Cause it’s so far away from you.
18. I wouldn’t trade your follow for all of Stephe Fry’s.
19. I could read your random thoughts all night long.
20. Wanna go back to my house and #?

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