When To Have Sex With Your New Partner?

When it comes to new relationships, a big topic is roaming the heads of both individuals; sex. More specifically, new partners are often thinking “when should I have sex with him/her”, as this is very common. Though it may be stereotypical to say, men are often much faster to want sex than the female in the relationship (99% of the time would be a good guess).

As amazing as the relationship may seem after the first few dates, it is too soon for sex. Even if the man is floundering you with compliments and gifts, do not give in. Though some males may actually love you as much as they are expressing, others are doing so with one purpose in their mind; sex.

It is not uncommon for males to act in this way. Statistically, men do crave for sex much more than women. Though, this on one hand is a good thing, as females can see which males really love/like them, and which are just looking for sex. If a man goes on continuous dates without even bringing up sex, this often shows that he really is interested in you and likes you. If the man brings up sex after one or two dates, he is likely only trying to have sex.

Once you are in a relationship, many say, it is never too soon to have sex. This is not true. The beginning of the relationship is usually not the most powerful. Couples must give it time, go out together, and relax, and so on. It is not necessary you have sex so soon. Sex should only happen when both are ready and feel like they really want to express their feelings in that form. Though sex is greatly revolved around pleasure, it also has to do a lot with love (or it should). If you think your partner only wants to have sex for the pleasure, then you really need to reconsider the relationship. The most meaningful and enjoyable sex is that that is out of pure love for one another.

There is no specific time frame that should be laid down for having sex. As said before, sex should come when both are ready for it and feel like they love each other enough to take part in intercourse. If two are only having sex because they think it is necessary, this is wrong. In such a situation, the sex will not be as good, and not have as much meaning as it would if it was being done out of passion and love.

There is a myth that says it is best to have sex after the second date. This is much too soon, and by the second date, it is normal to be getting into more personal details of each others lives. Sex should be the very last priority at that instance, and the two should concentrate on getting to know each other.

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